Wednesday, 16 December 2009


Rage hard. Enjoy the victory.

Monday, 14 December 2009


With Andy Peters on stand by in a secret pressing plant in the hidden lair, on Sunday evening the evil Cowellman ordered another calculated attack at the Christmas number 1. His poisonous chemical attack with the deadly 'Factor X' or something has reeked havoc over the charts in the past.

While for 51 weeks of the year, no one with pubic hair gives a toss about the charts, this Christmas it has become the singular most important issue in the nation. One we must defend to the hilt.

And so, with social media as their weapon the masses go to war with the festive A-Bomb that is Rage Against The Machine's 'Killing In The Name.'

Reports from the front line suggest that the Rage Brigade are winning valuable ground. But it's early days. This is a powerful enemy. Pick up your mouses people. Use your 79p wisely. Or even, 29p. After all, when your grandchildren look up to you with admiration in their eyes and say, 'Grandad, what did you do in the battle of the X-Factor?' Do you want to say to them, 'Nothing, I did nothing. I'm so sorry.'? Your country need you.

Whichever way it ends, cries that Simon Cowell has taken the fun out of the charts couldn't be more wrong.

Friday, 11 December 2009

Radio 1

One day I may make a film about how The Soundtrack to... gets compiled. Or not.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

November 2009

It’s that time of year when everyone’s thinking about presents. Or what they’re going to wear to the party. Or how they’re going to fit everyone around the table for dinner. (Will we need to get that stool out of the loft?) Ok, so there’s a lot to think about. But when they’ve thought about all of that, they’re thinking about the best albums of the year.
And as a helpful reminder November saw a timely airing of a lot of them with single releases.

Bombay Bicycle Club’s ‘It Had The Blues But I shook Them Loose’ is certainly amongst them. Jamie T rides high is a whole load of Top Tens with ‘Kings & Queens’. Then there’s the XX album, ‘Islands’. But with one of the singles of the year, a blistering tour, outstanding performance at the Electric Proms, you’d struggle to find a more fitting recipient for album of the year than Doves’ ‘Kingdom of Rust’.

It’d certainly make a glorious Christmas present, if you’re thinking about that.

The Soundtrack to 2009 will be with you by Christmas. In the meantime, enjoy November.
