Monday, 4 January 2010


Though the first ‘Soundtrack to…’ didn’t appear until March, I’ve plumped up a whole year’s worth of tunes to bookmark 2009.

Squeezing the year into just 50 tracks was no easy task. (You’re welcome…) But it ensures every single track is essential and serves as a humble homage to Peel’s Festive 50. So it’s superstar fit and ruddy ripe for your ear holes.

There are a few notable exclusions. Simply due to Spotify limitations. So, promise me you’ll treat yourself to Grizzly Bear’s ‘Two Weeks’ (the video is skill), Casiokids’ ‘Fot i Hose’, Eve & Benga ‘Me ‘N My’, Art Brut’s ‘DC Comics and Chocolate Milkshakes’ and of course, Radiohead and ‘These Are My Twisted Words’, (Oh my days, I’ve just listened to this again, I’d forgotten how good it is.)

My New Year’s Resolution? Ok, I’ll try and fatten up the blog and gob on about what I’m listening to in between Soundtracks. But in the meantime, follow me on twitter, whydontcha, (@iamnottheenemy) for The Soundtrack to… updates and tunage recommendations. I’d massively appreciate your recommendations too.

Thanks @thetorrie, @johnhillcock, @therafterman, @eddyTM, @marshamusic, @D_NS, @miiikerobinson, @allhale, John Kennedy and Naomi for your music juice. @sharemyplaylist, naturally. Hundreds of bands and musicians, certainly. And anyone who clicked ‘Play’.

Happy New Year. Roll on 2010.


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